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Detective novels set in London

Detective novels set in London you can’t miss absolutely like thriller Broken Lives by Salento reporter Saru Santacroce

Detective novels set in London you can't miss absolutelyIf you love detective novels set in London, you can’t miss absolutely psychological thriller Broken Lives by Salento reporter Saru Santacroce. And you can follow the investigation of Scotland Yard detective Sonny D’Amato struggling with a cruel serial killer. In one month three young students are been tortured and killed in London and the police must avoid the death list being longer. And to solve this case, detective Sonny D’Amato must dig in old cases of pedophilia.

Because, the doctor said him to “look for the case of a young abused woman and a murdered father. I assume that the person you are chasing may have already killed. And the first victim might be the ogre who destroyed her childhood and her life. And I would not rule out that she could have done the same thing with her mother if she defended her husband and never intervened to defend her daughter when he raped her”. So, according investigations, serial killer could be in turn a victim of abuse and for this reason he (or she) became an executioner.
In fact, the doctor said him that “history and science show that in most cases an abused becomes a future abuser”. Because, as William Glasser wrote, “the painful things that have happened in the past have an enormous influence on what we are today”. There are many reasons to read this psychological thriller if you are interested in compelling detective novels set in London.

Breaking news about Broken Lives investigation

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