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Mystery novels set in London

If you love mystery novels and you like reading ones set in London, you can’t absolutely miss psychological thriller Broken Lives by Salento reporter Saru Santacroce. In this crime novel, dedicated to victims of abuse, Scotland Yard detective, Sonny D’Amato, must stop a serial killer in London

Libri abusi

Se stai cercando dei libri che trattino il doloroso e delicato tema degli abusi sui bambini e delle conseguenze deleterie che tale violenza ha sulle loro esistenze, sei nel posto giusto. Il thriller psicologico Vite Spezzate, ambientato a Londra, affronta questo argomento

A thriller book to read

If you are looking for a compelling thriller book to read, don’t miss thriller Broken Lives set in London following Scotland Yard investigation to arrest a cruel serial killer. Broken Lives is a psychological thriller inspired by tv series like Criminal Minds